
The Embedos Edge Platform is the Flagship hardware of our foray of products and solutions. The Edge device is a powerful IoT device which provides an entire End to End solution to seamlessly enable Industry 4.0

When deployed on the field, the Embedos Edge device captures machine / sensor data and seamlessly transfers this data either to a cloud storage or a factory control room. The beauty of the Embedos Edge Platform is to compute data closer to the source of data generation, allowing real time data processing for instant results. 




Embedos Edge, IoT & Automation Infrastructure


Embedos Edge Platform


What makes Embedos Edge so unique is its ability to process data on the device itself before the data is transferred to another storage. This mechanism is known as Edge analytics or Fog Analytics allowing the device to analyze instantly generated data in Real-Time. The processed data can either be sent to the cloud to only be visualized on a proper viewing software interface or can be visualized on a Local Web Browser.

This reduces latency in data transfer and eliminates the load on the cloud-based application to process raw data, also saving on network bandwidth during this operation, enhancing the solution’s ability to visualize the data efficiently.

All Embedos Hardware house an Embedded Web Server by default. 

The Embedos Edge platform consists of devices with multi-purpose capabilities of IoT gateway and a programmable controller on the same piece of hardware.

The same device can be programmed to perform comprehensive applications, capture machine data, process this data and then transfer this analysed data from one field to another.

For security, if the data is to be transferred to a local Office Network Server, that can be done too. Device data can be visualised directly on a Platform Independent Web Browser-based UI by any concerned authority connected to the same network. 

Embedos also provides Industrial VPN to its Edge platform for added security. 

 It is an all in one device, i.e a Programmable Industrial Edge, Industrial Internet of Things, & Automation Controller with an option to also view data locally on Real-Time Dashboards that run on an Embedded Web Server. A complete package, an End to End Solution. All in all to enable easy Industry 4.0 use. 

The Embedos Advanced Edge Data logger –  ER, is a powerful Industrial Automation Controller which can be used for many complex automation tasks and is a comprehensive alternative to complicated & cost intensive PLC’s.

The Embedos Edge Device – EE SERIES is the Flagship hardware of our vast foray of products and solutions. The Edge device is a powerful IoT device which provides an entire End to End solution on a single piece of hardware. 

The Embedos Maxwell ( EM Series ) is an Expansion IO Card that is designed to expand the functionality of the Embedos Master device.

Built with a 3.2 Inch Touchscreen Display, the Controller based Edge HMI is enabled with flexible serial communication interfaces, multiple Analog & Digital IO’s, programmable set points & individual relay’s.

The Embedos Thermocouple RTD Expansion Data logger is a unique end to end solution to log and display values and drive control logic, getting inputs from a temperature sensor, be it a Thermocouple Sensor, or an RTD sensor.


Most Common Edge IoT & Industry 4.0 Applications


Solar Panel Icon used On Embedos Website for various devices that can be monitored in Distributed Solar Site Monitoring Solution

Solar PV Plant Management

Electric Generator Icon used On Embedos Website for various devices that can be monitored in Distributed Solar Site Monitoring Solution

DG Gen Sets, Wind Turbines

Embedos Applications _ Smart Water Management

Smart Water Management

Energy Meter Icon used On Embedos Website for various devices that can be monitored in Distributed Solar Site Monitoring Solution

Smart Energy Meters

Embedos Applications smart-city

Smart City

Embedos Applications smart-city


Weather Station Icon used On Embedos Website for various devices that can be monitored in Distributed Solar Site Monitoring Solution

Weather Stations

Embedos Applications_industry-40

Industry 4.0

Embedos Shipping & Logistics Applications warehouse

Shipping & Logistics

  • Edge 4G IoT enabled Data Logger
  • Velocity Measurement
  • Industrial VPN Router
  • Off Delay Timer
  • RFID Scanner + Datalogger
  • Direction Counter
  • Expansion Module (Optional CAN)
  • IoT Enabled Counter
  • Production Analyzer
  • Remote Temperature Monitor
  • Thermocouple / RTD input Temperature Datalogger
  • Web Data Loggers
  • Volume Measurement
  • Setpoint Selectable Totalizer
  • Machine Condition Monitoring
  • Modbus Gateway
  • CAN Bus Gateway
  • Manufacturing Efficiency Monitoring (OEE)
  • Industrial VPN Router
  • HDMI Interface Display
  • Advanced Solar Data Logger
  • Programmable Automation Controller
  • Two channel window controller
  • Process Indicator (flow,level,pressure, etc)
  • Programmable Counter
  • Touchscreen based HMI
  • IIoT Gateway
  • Protocol Converter
  • Remote Monitoring Dashboard Designer
  • Web SCADA Systems

If you would like more information, please give us a call or fill out the form below. We’ll be in touch soon!

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Embedos is an enabler of Edge Computing, Industrial IoT & Industry 4.0 - Hardware & Software Solutions.

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