

Embedos Technology Blogs & Information, across the Industrial Landscape.

Why manufacturers don’t like cloud computing!

Why manufacturers don’t like cloud computing!

Some manufacturers may believe that their data is less secure if it is stored off-premises in the cloud, as opposed to being kept locally. However, studies have shown that the majority of security issues are a result of problems with in-house processes, rather than the cloud itself. There are...

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What is the CAN Bus? – The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

What is CAN Bus?

Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus) is a robust vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer.

CAN is a message-based protocol, designed specifically for automotive applications but now also used in other areas such as industrial automation, medical equipment, and building automation.

Public, Private & Hybrid Cloud Types! Also Community Cloud!

Public, private, and hybrid clouds each have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which one to use depends on the specific needs of the organization.

Public clouds offer scalability and cost-effectiveness, while private clouds offer control and security.

Hybrid clouds offer the best of both worlds.

It is important for organizations to evaluate their specific needs and choose the type of cloud that best meets their requirements.

How for organizations – it is cloud compliance that creates value and trust in security.

Cloud computing can deliver tremendous amounts of business value to organizations, but it requires a strategic approach and a willingness to embrace change. Organizations that are able to do this, can reap the benefits of cloud computing and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Today, almost every manufacturing customer that is digitally transforming becomes partly a software company.

This is because digital transformation in manufacturing involves the integration of advanced technologies such as software, cloud services, data analytics, and artificial intelligence into traditional manufacturing operations.

These technologies enable manufacturers to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and gain insights from data to make better decisions.

By incorporating software into their operations, manufacturers can automate and streamline processes, improve communication and collaboration within the organization, and gain access to advanced analytics tools to make data-driven decisions.

Why manufacturers don’t like cloud computing!

Manufacturers who have not yet adopted cloud computing may be hesitant to do so for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:

1) Familiarity with traditional methods: Long-standing businesses may be reluctant to move away from the familiar ways of working that have been successful for them in the past.

System on Module ( SOM ) vs System on Chip ( SOC ) – Which is better ?

Hence, SOM vs SOC which is better?

Whether a System-on-Module (SOM) or a System-on-Chip (SoC) is better depends on the specific requirements and constraints of your project. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages and the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of your application.

An Era of MicroMobility during the 4th Industrial Revolution!

One of the key ways that IoT cellular connectivity has enabled the rise of micromobility is by providing a means of communication between the vehicle and the internet.

This allows for real-time tracking and monitoring of the vehicle’s location, usage, and maintenance needs, as well as enabling features such as remote locking and unlocking, and the ability to pay for rides using a smartphone app.

#iot cellular connectivity has also made it possible for micromobility companies to offer services such as shared scooter fleets, where users can locate and unlock a nearby scooter using their smartphone.

The move to remote and hybrid work, as well as rising gas prices, may have contributed to the growth of the #micromobility industry.

How Low Code / No Code Platforms are enhancing Digital Transformation, specially Industrial Iot!

One of the core things in your digital transformation journey is to make sure people are included in how you improve your processes.

Because work is typically siloed among machines, shop floors, products, data, and systems, and business processes it can be difficult to work together.

Creating applications can help bridge the gaps and allow your divisions to become more united by analyzing and comparing data together.

Developing lowcode applications doesn’t require users to know coding, anyone can create an application.

Domain experts and #IT professionals can work together to create solutions that bring more value to the business.

Doing so allows for #governance and #security to stay firmly intact, while solutions are driven by value and impact on the business.

EVs are great! But what of fraud risk at charging stations? Who keeps tabs on that?

Addressing fraud at charging points can be a complex task.

For commercial charging stations, fraud prevention measures may include implementing secure payment systems, conducting regular audits and inspections, and monitoring usage patterns to identify any unusual activity.

What Airtel, Jio & Vodafone are doing, and how they can lead in the IoT Market!

As the telecos power ahead with new age internet technologies, like IoT, AR/VR, Blockchain and with the obvious use of AI, there is a large market that they can capture.

Internet of Things (IoT) services are becoming increasingly important as more and more devices are connected to the internet.

How to calculate the service life of an industrial asset using Industrial IoT (IIoT)?

How does industrial iot play a role in this ?

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) refers to the use of connected devices and sensors to gather and analyze data in industrial settings. In terms of calculating the service life of an industrial asset, IIoT can play a role in several ways.

To calculate the service life of an industrial asset, you will need to consider these factors and make an educated estimate based on your specific circumstances. You may also want to consult industry standards or guidelines for guidance on expected service life for different types of assets.

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