Embedos Technology Blogs & Information, across the Industrial Landscape.
How IoT can improve safety and efficiency on a construction site?
IoT is a blanket term that encompasses a vast array of web enabled smart devices. Sensors are sensing environmental pressures or temperatures or even bio-metric changes in our bodies. IoT devices connected to the internet not only capture a whole bunch of data from these sensors, but they can talk...
Predictive Maintenance & Industry 4.0
Maintenance is a demanding and taxing process. Not knowing when to schedule a maintenance run or send the maintenance team is even more menacing. With the advent of the fourth Industrial revolution, connected devices makes information about machines more available than before. Your...
How to Close the IoT Skills Gap?
As technology evolves, the demand for advanced skills will only increase — unless we find ways to catch up. It has been predicted that IoT will be a part of the most fundamental functionalities of each business area by the year 2020. Set up by different industry specialists, utilization of IoT...
How To Mobilize Traffic Using IoT?
Traffic signal management is one major issue. What causes traffic jams? If you are unlucky enough to commute in your city you could end up spending the equivalent of 3 weeks per year stuck in traffic. Drivers know that accidents, construction, vehicles and just the sheer number of the...
What is Edge Computing?
Soon the Internet of Things is going to give physical devices like doors, chairs, coffee makers, refrigerators, their own Internet Connection. Edge Computing will allow processing of data gathered from these devices locally and with the help of Artificial Intelligence and...
What is IoT?
What is IoT? The Internet of Things, or IoT, is an ecosystem of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that have the ability to transfer data over a network. The Internet is one of mankind’s greatest inventions if not the...
The rise of Smart Agriculture
If we had to visualize a farmer in India, it would be the image of a lean hardworking man in his traditional white dhoti and pagdi, tilling his land with his bullock cart or pushing the plough himself. Agricultural practices are amongst the high points in the...
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