If we had to visualize a farmer in India, it would be the image of a lean hardworking man in his traditional white dhoti and pagdi, tilling his land with his bullock cart or pushing the plough himself.

Agricultural practices are amongst the high points in the Indian Economy. Even though it is the main source of livelihood for the majority of the unorganized sector, it still remains technologically under developed. Technology and more importantly education about this technology takes a mere backseat in today’s scenario.

Enabling such an industry with this level of technology needs to be worked upon from the grass root level. This blog post is more about how farmers can utilize the technology that is available in the market to successfully develop a more efficient and productive way of farming.

It is anything but a mystery that the Internet of Things (IoT) changes the world for the better. Truth be told, it has already presented advancement in different enterprises, which has helped with expanding efficiency and cutting expenses of business tasks in various aspects.

Applications of IoT are growing day by day, so are the demands of our farmers. Apart from finding wide acceptance in areas such as IoT including Industrial IoT, home automation, logistics and supply chain management, IoT is yet to carve a household name for itself in the world of farmers.

Nowadays, farmers are gifted with various options to manage their day-to-day activities. Yet, they are dependent on traditional methods followed by our ancestors for hundreds of years. Experts state that lack of awareness and education are the prominent reasons why farmers in India do not know about the plethora of options that are available to use. Tools like IoT, data analytics and AI are only going to increase efficiency and productivity by an enormous scale.

Humans in general fear innovation especially in cases of AI & IoT citing loss of livelihood. People have forgotten about the fact that when the Tractor was newly introduced in the agrarian world, farmers believed it to bring an end to farm labor and therefore their employment, not realizing that the introduction of the Tractor is only to facilitate them in their daily work.

The total agricultural output of India has been found to be 16% of our nation’s GDP. This is the age of modern technology. Even at this time, there are lots of issues faced by farmers in India such as water scarcity and inaccuracy in determining farm productivity. The point of most IoT products is to empower ranchers to utilize these bits of knowledge to settle on operational choices around planting, watering, reaping and more.

Of course, traditional methods have always proved to be the best. That has been successful in practice for 100s of years. If IoT can join hands with current Agricultural practices, then there could be less hurdles faced by farmers in present times.

Things have started taking a slow but steady turn for the farmers. Terms such as smart farming and AgriTech can become the buzzwords if we create proper awareness. Let’s have a look at how IoT can influence agriculture immensely.

Monitor climatic conditions accurately!

This method can combine various smart farming sensors together to predict weather conditions. This could help farmers to collect different data patterns from environmental conditions and fetch it back to the cloud. By opting for this method, they can choose the right crops, understand the climatic conditions and employ precision farming.

For example, by looking at the data collected on Climatic conditions by those sensors, farmers could actually predict when the monsoon season starts and sow the ‘rabi’ crop accordingly. They could know for themselves whether the oncoming monsoon season is going to be a drought or an above average one and suitably plant their batch of crops.

Automating the Greenhouse

Just like humans, every plant is unique. If one plant requires higher pressure rate, its opponent would require a low temperature. Proper humidity, pressure, temperature, soil moisture, nutrients and the air is a necessity for any plant to live its best life.

Sensors in the soil could measure soil moisture content to perfectly know when water is going to be needed the most. Additionally, some research groups have used Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) and electrochemical sensors to quantify potassium, sodium and other nutrients in the soil. By collecting this data and connecting it with the internet, farmers could know accurate nutrient and water levels on their farmland in real time. They can then use this information to provide their harvests with the right quantity of fertilizers, nutrients and water at the perfect time.

By implementing the functionalities of IoT, farmers can leverage smart sprinklers to spray the right amounts of water and pesticide at the required time. This can be done remotely, giving farmers the flexibility of catering to things that need their physical presence while watering the field is taken care of at the flip of a switch. For example, they could be feeding their cattle and watering their crops at the same time, thus empowering them to be more productive than before.

Crop management devices

Similar to Greenhouse automation, farmers could make use of IoT enabled sensors to detect plant infestation. This will enable them to better manage their overall crop health.

Bringing Greenhouse automation and crop management systems under a single IoT platform will help farmers to digitally visualise their farm.

As the internet makes the world a smaller place, the practise of smart farming and IoT in agriculture will only help farmers to manage their farms in a methodical, efficient way, which will help them increase their farm productivity on a large scale.

Drones in Agriculture

Drones have found an unavoidable place in various consumer and business verticals. Why not bring these super-flying objects into agriculture? To ensure crop health including irrigation, planting, analyzing, crop spraying and monitoring, drones can come handy. Right from pressure mapping of the weeds to the measurement of the stockpile, drones can be of great support to farmers in the upcoming days.

With the help of data that we assemble from drone usage, it gives us bits of knowledge of plant health, field expectation, plant checking, mapping of field water, estimation of capacity, exploring reports, estimation of nitrogen in wheat, mapping of weed weight and much more.

A drone is a flying tractor. There is nothing a tractor can do that a drone cannot, except for maybe pulling ploughing carts. With bigger drones, this may change as well. Drones increase speed of output and improve coverage of large lands. With the help of drones, farmers can comprehensively cover every aspect of their farm for spraying pesticides and water or just imaging their crops for security.

End-to-end and peer-to-peer farm management systems

Business intelligence combined with IoT finds a prominent place in every industry of today. This can undoubtedly be of utmost help in farm management. By using powerful and smart dashboards which includes analytical and in-built reporting capabilities, you can monitor the entire performance of your farm at anywhere and anytime at a single click.

This method also paves the way for streamlining the majority of the business tasks and operations. They can also find their application in storage management, vehicle tracking and logistics.

How is smart agriculture going to benefit the farmers?

Technology has found its place in every aspect of our life. It would invariably help farmers of tomorrow if we introduce IoT for different frontiers of agriculture today. There are many pros associated with smart agriculture. Some of them are listed below:

Streamlined internal processes

By using smart agriculture, you can streamline the entire farming processes which would result in lower risks of production. By leveraging the clear insights on your production, you would be able to plan easily for smarter production distribution. This will result in increased turnover since you will have proper knowledge of harvesting crops.

Increase in the product quantity

With smart agriculture, farmers will be capable of controlling their entire production processes which would lead to increased standards in the quality of the crop along with the growth rate. These processes would, in turn, pave a clear path to increased revenue.

India would be a strong nation on the day when farmers are able to walk freely without any physical and mental stress. With proper awareness and education on IoT, this step is achievable.

The upcoming decade can be termed as the age of the Internet of Food and Farm starting 2020.

Let’s unite together to bring a revolution in farming with IoT!

Looking for a smart agricultural device? Our team at Embedos would be able to help you.







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Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus) is a robust vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer.

CAN is a message-based protocol, designed specifically for automotive applications but now also used in other areas such as industrial automation, medical equipment, and building automation.

Public, Private & Hybrid Cloud Types! Also Community Cloud!

Public, private, and hybrid clouds each have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which one to use depends on the specific needs of the organization.

Public clouds offer scalability and cost-effectiveness, while private clouds offer control and security.

Hybrid clouds offer the best of both worlds.

It is important for organizations to evaluate their specific needs and choose the type of cloud that best meets their requirements.

How for organizations – it is cloud compliance that creates value and trust in security.

Cloud computing can deliver tremendous amounts of business value to organizations, but it requires a strategic approach and a willingness to embrace change. Organizations that are able to do this, can reap the benefits of cloud computing and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Today, almost every manufacturing customer that is digitally transforming becomes partly a software company.

This is because digital transformation in manufacturing involves the integration of advanced technologies such as software, cloud services, data analytics, and artificial intelligence into traditional manufacturing operations.

These technologies enable manufacturers to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and gain insights from data to make better decisions.

By incorporating software into their operations, manufacturers can automate and streamline processes, improve communication and collaboration within the organization, and gain access to advanced analytics tools to make data-driven decisions.

Why manufacturers don’t like cloud computing!

Manufacturers who have not yet adopted cloud computing may be hesitant to do so for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:

1) Familiarity with traditional methods: Long-standing businesses may be reluctant to move away from the familiar ways of working that have been successful for them in the past.

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Hence, SOM vs SOC which is better?

Whether a System-on-Module (SOM) or a System-on-Chip (SoC) is better depends on the specific requirements and constraints of your project. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages and the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of your application.

An Era of MicroMobility during the 4th Industrial Revolution!

One of the key ways that IoT cellular connectivity has enabled the rise of micromobility is by providing a means of communication between the vehicle and the internet.

This allows for real-time tracking and monitoring of the vehicle’s location, usage, and maintenance needs, as well as enabling features such as remote locking and unlocking, and the ability to pay for rides using a smartphone app.

#iot cellular connectivity has also made it possible for micromobility companies to offer services such as shared scooter fleets, where users can locate and unlock a nearby scooter using their smartphone.

The move to remote and hybrid work, as well as rising gas prices, may have contributed to the growth of the #micromobility industry.

How Low Code / No Code Platforms are enhancing Digital Transformation, specially Industrial Iot!

One of the core things in your digital transformation journey is to make sure people are included in how you improve your processes.

Because work is typically siloed among machines, shop floors, products, data, and systems, and business processes it can be difficult to work together.

Creating applications can help bridge the gaps and allow your divisions to become more united by analyzing and comparing data together.

Developing lowcode applications doesn’t require users to know coding, anyone can create an application.

Domain experts and #IT professionals can work together to create solutions that bring more value to the business.

Doing so allows for #governance and #security to stay firmly intact, while solutions are driven by value and impact on the business.

EVs are great! But what of fraud risk at charging stations? Who keeps tabs on that?

Addressing fraud at charging points can be a complex task.

For commercial charging stations, fraud prevention measures may include implementing secure payment systems, conducting regular audits and inspections, and monitoring usage patterns to identify any unusual activity.

What Airtel, Jio & Vodafone are doing, and how they can lead in the IoT Market!

As the telecos power ahead with new age internet technologies, like IoT, AR/VR, Blockchain and with the obvious use of AI, there is a large market that they can capture.

Internet of Things (IoT) services are becoming increasingly important as more and more devices are connected to the internet.

How to calculate the service life of an industrial asset using Industrial IoT (IIoT)?

How does industrial iot play a role in this ?

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) refers to the use of connected devices and sensors to gather and analyze data in industrial settings. In terms of calculating the service life of an industrial asset, IIoT can play a role in several ways.

To calculate the service life of an industrial asset, you will need to consider these factors and make an educated estimate based on your specific circumstances. You may also want to consult industry standards or guidelines for guidance on expected service life for different types of assets.

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